The Movement

Harmony on Earth - the Movement Towards World Harmony

The Harmony on Earth is an online social reform movement advocated by Manisekaran, who is a well-known yoga master and the founder of all MAYI group of companies and social-service movements, such as Malaysian Yoga Society, Malaysian Association of Yoga Instructors (MAYI), MAYI Yoga Academy, MAYI Waters, MAYI Infinity and also Koperasi MAYI Malaysia Bhd.

This movement, a brainchild of Manisekaran, will be set up with the moral support and assistance of like-minded individuals of the world. This is a timely move to create a sustainable environment of peace and harmony, both internally and externally, amongst humans. Internally it refers to a state of inner calm and peace. Externally, it refers to a peaceful existence with each other, upholding a congenial and pleasant relationship with others within the family, society, nation or world.

As this organisation's first programme, we will be celebrating Harmony on Earth Day on the 16th of September this year. This will be an annual event, which is also in conjunction with Malaysia Day.

The context of establishing harmony for world peace does not refer to the "toleration" of differences in cultures but accepting these differences and enjoying the diversity.

However, this does not mean that one has to overlook one's own culture, religion or tradition, but have a peaceful relationship with others of diverse backgrounds, cultures, religions and traditions. This is the maturity of intellect and height of emotional intelligence -- the positive meeting point of the heart and mind.

This initiative may be brushed aside as a dream or idealistic thinking, but we completely believe that world harmony is an achievable state. It has to start somewhere. History shows that all meaningful changes began with someone who truly believed in the cause. And for the cause of establishing harmony and peace in this world, we will start the ball rolling. This is our contribution to this noble cause.

The objective of this project is not to make external changes nor to impart a new ideology or religion. It is only to emphasise what has been spoken by all great religions, saints and great persons over the last thousands of years, and that is to create harmony amongst all in the world.

There will be no compromise on this vision and we have the sanction and support of all the great scriptures, literature, constitutions of great nations, speeches of great persons and the desire of almost all sane and clean-hearted citizens of this world.

Someone who does not support this vision can only have been misled into believing and accepting disharmonious ideas and concepts. In fact, as children, before such ideas started to influence them, they would have seen this world as one big family and its people supporting each other with compassion and care.

This Harmony on Earth movement gives us a wonderful opportunity to cleanse ourselves of such ideologies or misconceptions and gear ourselves back towards the state of purity and wellbeing exhorted by all ancient scriptures and teachings.

As a first step towards realising this goal, let's all give our strong support for the commemoration of Harmony on Earth Day on September 16. On that day, after you have had your meal with family and friends, and feeling harmonious within yourself, take a moment to send this message to 10 people:

"As the world is celebrating Harmony on Earth Day, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and all your loved ones good health, happiness and harmony always. May we all be blessed with peace in our hearts as we usher in greater harmony amongst all members of the human family.

Manisekaran, Founder of Harmony on Earth
